Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Grade 5: The Human Drum Kit!

Grade 5 music students have been exploring how rhythm and melody are organized. They researched and discussed the difference between performing in 'unison' and performing in a 'round.'

This is a vocal piece called The Human Drum Kit, which features both! Can you identify when they are performing in unison and when they are performing in a round?

Click on this link-

Monday, September 15, 2014

Grade 2: Noah's Ark Class Performances!

Grade 2 have been exploring how we can use instruments to create sound effects. Each class learned, rehearsed and performed Noah's Ark, using different instruments to tell the story! 

Monday, September 1, 2014

Grade 4: Storytelling through music.

Central idea: 'Music can be used to express non-musical ideas.'
Grade 4 students created a soundscape to reflect the calm before the storm, when the storm hits and when the storm fades away!