Thursday, November 27, 2014


The CIS 4th and 5th grade Choir will be singing at the Holiday Fair at 12:30 in the PAC on Saturday November 29th  and at the Festival of Lights Assembly on Friday December 12th, which begins at 9:00 am in the large gymnasium.

Upcoming Lower Primary Events

As the school year moves into the Holiday season, Grade 1 and Kindergarten will be sharing their unit themes on Celebrations and the elements of music at the Day 4 Assembly on Friday November 28 at 8:40.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Upcoming Performance Dates! (Upper Primary)

As we draw closer to the Christmas break, here's two performance dates for students and parents to be aware of-

Monday 8 December: Grades 4 & 5 Arts Assembly
8.30-9.15 in the Atrium
Grades 4, 5 and choir will be singing at this assembly.

Friday 12 December: Festival of Lights Concert (PYP & MYP)
9.00-10.00 in the Gym
Grades 3, 4, 5 and choir will be singing at this concert.

Monday, November 17, 2014

3D: Unit 2 Class Project.

Students in 3D focused on the skills needed to sing in unison. They learned, rehearsed and recorded this performance of Do Wah Diddy.

Grade 2: Exploring Sounds!

Grade 2 music students have been exploring the idea that 'musical sounds are everywhere.' We have inquired into how sound can be produced and how we can make our own musical instruments through reusing and recycling household items.

Students planned, designed, made and presented their instruments to their class and demonstrated how their instrument produced sound- either through tapping, shaking, scraping, plucking, blowing or a combination.

Friday, November 14, 2014

3A: Unit 2 Class Project

Students from class 3A have explored what it means to sing in unison. They learned, rehearsed and recorded the song, Do Wah Diddy, in which they incorporated male and female vocal parts and percussion accompaniment. Enjoy!

Thursday, November 13, 2014

3B: Unit 2 Class Project

Students from 3B learned, rehearsed and recorded an acapella version of the song, Kookaburra. They also decided to arrange the piece by including a combination of singing in unison and singing as a 2-part round. Enjoy!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

3C: Unit 2 Class Project.

Throughout unit 2, grade 3 students have been exploring how vocal and instrumental pieces can be organized- through performing in unison or in rounds. To complete the unit, 3C learned the song, Kookaburra. They combined a small choir singing the song as a 2-part round, accompanied by piano, xylophones and drums. Enjoy!