Friday, October 3, 2014

Kindergarten:Playing my musical part has responsibilities!

Kindergarten Music-

The music classroom routines have been ones that get the students ready to sing and move. Kindergarten students focus on learning a variety of songs, exploring music through movement, reflecting on music in their own words and exploring ways to organize sound through graphic notation. Musical games with songs like “Bingo was his name”, “Happy and you know it” and “Row row, row, your boat” engage students in group work and responsibility by singing together and knowing the words. Body percussion and classroom instruments are used to expand sound awareness and form of the pieces.  Add on songs like “Bought me a cat” gives students opportunities to work with musical form and to add their own ideas by substituting body percussion, instrumental playing, or word suggestions to create a new version of the song. Introduction to following a sound scape complimented these activities because students could make connections to the visual aspect of sound production. 

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