Grade 1 Music class has been working on the "Call and Response" form of music by singing the Ghanian Song "Kye Kye Kule"( pronounced Che Che Kule). With this musical model in mind, students are writing their own "Call and "Response" compositions to connect to the Unit 3 question "What makes me, me? What makes you, you?" Students chose 6 things they liked as the call statement and which aligned with the original song's musical form. They chose 2 instruments to provide accompaniment and notated a simple ta ti-ti rhythmic pattern for the instrumental accompaniment part. Following their written compositions, students rehearsed in small groups to prepare for an in-class presentation. The presentations provided an opportunity for students to share their creative compositions as well as to demonstrate several unit benchmarks such as appropriate audience behavior and identifying the use of musical elements from various times and places.
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