Kindergarten "Musical Elements"
How can a piece of music called “Fireworks” relate to the
notion that “musical elements are used to pull and push musical themes”? Kindergarten Music class has been very active
in this unit exploring sounds that suggest pulling and pushing. They shared ideas of motion or stillness,
long breath or short breath, instrument
sound lengths, and fast or slow speeds. The sound concepts discovered in “Fireworks” wonderfully illustrate how different sounds can have different meanings . Whether responding
by creating music with non- pitched percussion instruments, following a sound
scape "Fireworks score" or moving to "Partita No. 3 in E Major for Solo Violin" in a
circle and partner dance, students connected to the musical directions: more or less movements, pull the
sound and push the sound when playing the instrument. Such
activities link to the benchmarks of creating pieces of music using
instruments, describe characteristics of music and the various uses, and how to
follow a simple graphic score. The focus of the next Unit connects nicely with
these activities as students will inquire into “Playing my part in music has responsibilities”.
We will be exploring how we can use our musical background knowledge to create
accompaniments and feel the beat as we sing.
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